The Spanish constitution was voted by the citizens of Spain in 1978.
The 1978 constitution established Spain is a democratic state and a parliamentary monarchy. Seven people from different political parties were chosen to write the constitution. There are still parts of the constitution that cause disagreements.
We can divide the constitution in 5 parts.
1. Government:
Spain is a democratic state, Spanish people vote every 4 years to choose a president.
The Spanish State is a parliamentary monarchy what means that the king or queen are the Head of the State but they can´t govern.
2. Organisation
Spain is divided in 17 Autonomous Communities and 2 Autonomous Cities.(Ceuta and Melilla).
Each communities have a Statues of Autonomy what defines boundaries, symbols and language.
Autonomous communities are divided into provinces and municipalities.
For example :
Autonomous Community : Andalusia
Provinces : Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga y Sevilla.
Municipalities : There are 778 municipality, for example : in Sevilla -Carmona.
3. Symbols
The flag ,the coat of arm or the National anthem ( la Marcha Real) are the real icons of Spain.
Castilian Spanish is the official language of the State but other languages like Catalan, Euskera, Galician and Valencian are granted official status in their Autonomous Communities.
4. Rights and responsibilities
All citizens have rights and responsibilities.
Rights: equality (men and women have the same rights), freedom of speech, peaceful protest, healthcare and education, legal protection, freedom to work and travel, right to have a home.
Responsibilities: pay taxes, respect the law, be respectful with others, take care of the environment, respect public services.
5. Elections
Citizens over 18 have the right to vote.
Elections are held every 4 years but it can be earlier under certain circunstancies.
In Spain there are more than 80 political parties.
People vote by secret ballot ( voto secreto).